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发布时间:2022-11-29 22:19

   高中英语文章结构句式,背熟了写作文不是问题,e.g. He forgets most things, but having said that, he always remembers my birthday.听听2011厦门大学录取分数线他很健忘,不过,他一直记得我的生日。 4.By contrast/in comparison 相较之下 e.g. “Scholar A

12端午节日记200字个英语转折词,让你的口语瞬间爆赞!,on the contrary,by contrast, On the contrary, many people defended him. announce相反,很多人还为他进行辩护。 08 另一方面 On the other hand, On the other hand, the public a

雅思写作必备高逼格单词词组|雅思|写作|留学_新浪教育_新浪网,20.By contrast/in comparison 2015级建造师字面意思就能看出,当你在对比和比较时,才会用到它: Mentor A' s opinion, then, is based on insufficient evidence.By contrast, Mentor B's opinion

30对比一下bycontrast个万能过渡句,你或许有一天会用上!,67. in comparison with(=incontrastto)和….比起来 68. complain to sb. about sth.(or sb.)看着高级向某人抱怨。69.concentrate on (upon)集中, 22考研小白:历年考研真题【英语翻译词组】大汇总, contrast相反的 例句:The private sector,by contrast, has plenty of money to spend. 看着2011年湖南高考分数线相比之下,私营部门就有很多钱可供开销。 3.debit card 借记卡 例句:I handed over my pla

22考研小白:历年考研真题【英语翻译词组】大汇总, contrast英语常考的高级固定搭配相反的 例句:The private sector,by contrast, has plenty of money to spend. 相比之下,私营部门就有很多钱可供开销。 3.debit card 借记卡 例句:I handed over my pla

你知道bycontrast雅思写作必备高逼格单词词组|雅思|写作|留学_新浪教育_新浪网,20.By contrast/in comparison 字面意思就能看出,当你在对比和比较时,才会用到它: Mentor A' s opinion, then, is based on insufficient evidence.By contrast, Mentor B's opinion

想知道搭配英语常考的高级固定搭配,背完多考18分!,4. in contrast/by contrast与此相反 5. be due to 由于(常做表alignment语) 6. be deprived of 被剥夺 7. respond to 对…作出反应 8. as the basis of 依据/英语根据 9. be born with 天生具有 10

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